HERTZ: Hertz World is a publication for the employees or Hertz worldwide. AssignmentPhoto has captured many images for Hertz, as they keep their employees up to date on company and expansion programs. |

PEPSI: No one is too young for most Pepsi products. AssignmentPhoto photographers have worked on Pepsi products through the years and have a long history with many products and people of PepsiCo. |
AssignmentPhoto.com specializes in all forms of Corporate Photography. One such specialty is our ability to accomplish multiple Corporate Projects Worldwide. |
AssignmentPhoto.com has successfully photographed images for hundreds of Corporate Projects. From top-tier corporations to small private companies, from Web to Print and Video, Our experienced professional photographers are on call 24/7 for the next corporate project assignment. |
PEPSI: "Hiring outstanding people and building a strong field organization is the single most important success factor for Pepsi in China. A few years ago, all you could see in Shanghai were Coke and Sprite signs. Now Pepsi is everywhere and Coke is almost invisible.

A sales representative from a route of DTS outlets, greets this store owner before inspecting and restocking the merchandising racks. Pepsi Foods International's large well merchandised racks outshine the competition's in Bratislava.
PepsiCo Snacks already leads the foreign competition in Bratislava, and will no doubt topple local brands through quality and superior distribution, the "achilles heel" of smaller operations. |
"If we can't keep the workplace safe, we won't manufacture the chemical."
--Dan Sanders, President
ExxonMobil Chemical |
We carefully monitor and evaluate changes in operations, procedures, site standards facilities, products and personnel to minimize possible associated risks to safety, health or the environment.
A 10 year battle over the enclave of Nagona-Karabakh has taken its toll on citizens of Azerbaijan. Residents of refugee camps, in Azerbaijan are becoming more self-sufficient with grants funded in part by ExxonMobil.
Working with government and international relief agencies, the company has provided funding for potable water, supplies, textbooks, medical services and community centers in camps established for nearly 35,000 people in the southern section of the country. |