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Corporate Photography
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Corporate Identity

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Safety, Health and the Environment are just some of the programs that ExxonMobil. The company measures its success by how well they contribute to the quality of life wherever they do business.

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Photography Services

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A student at Canterbury Elementary School in Crystal Lake, Illinois, discusses marketing strategy for his basketball enhancing stilts with his teacher during economics education activities.

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Corporate Communications Projects allow companies to show investors, and employees some of the programs the company supports.
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These corporate projects can be efforts to help the communities in the area they do business. Other projects can promote a companies image in a sector or in the publics eye. There are many uses for corporate communication projects, and has worked on several hundred different types of projects.
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Keystone foods plants in Ohio and Pennsylvania produce more than 7 million hamburgers each day for McDonald's restaurants, from the Midwest to the Eastern Seaboard. Internationally the processing plant in Malaysia began producing filet of fish, bone-in chicken and vegetable products for McDonald's in 1987.
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Corporate Projects by Corporate Photographersphotographers corporate photography
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In another first, Hertz signed an agreement with northern California's Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) in Fremont, California for BART's first car-sharing program with a car rental company. The year-long pilot program will provide car-sharing rental services for a monthly fee in the San Francisco Bay area for commuters.
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corporate projects

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A Pepsi Foods International scientist operates a robotic device which analyzes the moisture content of all products. This futuristic machine can analyze 240 samples within 24 hours.
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In PFI's quest for global snack food leadership, one of the key battles for the hearts and minds (and stomachs) of the Chinese consumer is being waged not up and down the streets in Guangzhou, or in the supermarkets of Shanghai, but down home in Plano, Texas.
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Deep in the heart of Frito-Lay headquarters in Plano, Team China, part of a collaborative effort between the PFI and Frito-Lay technology groups, is quietly making snack food history. Team China is taking a comprehensive approach to developing a line of snacks specifically designed for the Chinese palate.

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Art is a language that crosses geographic, cultural and national boundaries. Since 1943, ExxonMobil has supported the cultural arts, museums and historical associations that enrich, inspire and educate.
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Pepsi Foods Int'l
Keystone Foods
Haagen Dazs

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public relations

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